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Bulgarie - museums of the world

Exhibitions, works of art, culture - liven up your trip with museum tours.

The extraordinary wealth of various museums awaits you and invites you to embark on the discovery of the local culture.

Prepare your trip before you leave home: soak up the culture and find out about the most beautiful museums to visit, thanks to online information resources available here on this website.

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Liste of museums : Bulgarie

Museums Url
Earth and Man National Museum http://earthandman.org/en/index.html
Ludwig Museum http://www.ludwigmuseum.org/fr/musee/conception.ht
Musée national d'histoire http://www.historymuseum.org/
Musée panoramique de Pleven http://www.panorama-pleven.com/
Museum of Mineralogy, Petrography and Minerals http://www.mgu.bg/drugi/museums/md/mpmd.html
National Art Gallery http://www.nationalartgallerybg.org/index.php?l=4
National Ethnographic Museum http://ethnography.cc.bas.bg/index.html
National Gallery for Foreign Art http://www.foreignartmuseum.bg/en/index.html
National Institute of Archaeology and Museum http://www.naim.bg/main.php?lang=ENG
National Museum of Natural History http://www.nmnhs.com/
The National Museum of Military History http://www.militarymuseum.bg/eng/index.html
Varna Archaeological Museum http://www.amvarna.com/main.php?lid=11&lang=2